About Us - BC Bus North

About Us! BC Bus North launched service on June 4, 2018, across northern British Columbia.

In the fall of 2019, the Province of British Columbia partnered with the Government of Canada. This partnership through Western Economic Diversification, is to cost-share operating costs through to March 31, 2021.

BC Bus North is operated by Diversified Transportation Ltd, a division under the Pacific Western Group of Companies. As well is the largest privately-owned people transportation enterprise in Canada. Diversified’s Core Value of Customer Service is exemplified from the time passengers book to the time they travel. Their commitment ensures the passenger experience is of the highest standard. Getting everyone Safely Home is the promise we make to our Passengers. As well, that commitment to safety lies significantly at the heart of everything we do.

Our buses

BC Bus North gets you to your destination in a fleet of vehicles that can hold up to 55 passengers, We are happy to provide scheduled service to 39 communities across Northern BC.


Have a question? Contact Us!





Online Bookings: The cutoff for purchasing tickets online is 24 hours prior to departure.

Phone Bookings: Passengers booking over the phone must book at least 3 hours prior to departure time

Walk-up Tickets: We recommend booking in advance, however, passengers may show up at a stop and pay the driver (debit or credit card only) based on availability.  Cash is not accepted.

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